Event handlers

Through the use of event handlers you can trigger an action to run either automatically or due to user interaction. Automatic events occur when an app is in use, such as when an app or view is loaded, or a timer. User interaction events can include clicking a UI component, updating a value in a data input component, or running a keyboard shortcut.

Automatic events


On App Load

Triggered when the app is loaded/refreshed after data sources have been populated but before the UI is shown to the user. Configured in App settings.

On App Loaded

Triggered when the app is loaded/refreshed and after the UI is shown to the user. Configured in App settings.

On Online/On Offline

For Offline Apps. Configured in App settings.

On Visible/On Hidden

Triggered when an App goes inactive or active. Configured in App settings.

On Browser History Change

Can be used to trigger an action when the browser history changes. Configured and documented in App settings.

On Timeout

Trigged when a timer expires. Configured in App settings.

On View Load/Dialog Open/Drawer Open

Triggered before a view is loaded/opened. Configured in view properties.

On View Loaded/Dialog Opened/Drawer Opened

Triggered after a view is loaded/opened. Configured in view properties.

On Load

Triggered after a component is loaded. Configured in component properties for Image and Animated component.

On Complete

Triggered after after a component has completed its purpose. Configured in component properties for Animated component.

User interaction events

User interaction events are configured in UI components. For details on how to add keyboard event handlers, see Views.


On [Location] Click

Triggered when the user clicks or taps on a component (like a Button) or part of a component (like a Table row). Can be used to make containers and Image components clickable. If used in a data iterator, the element clicked will contain the object in context.

On Hover Start

Triggered when the mouse pointer enters a container. Use Conditional styles to style a component on hover.

On Hover End

Triggered when the mouse pointer leaves a container.

On Double Click

Triggered when double clicking a container

On Right Click

Triggered when right clicking a container

On Drag Start

Triggered when a user starts to drag a component within a container that has Enable Draggable selected.

On Drop

Triggered when a user drops a component within a container that has Enable Drop Area selected.

On File Paste

Triggered when a file is pasted on a container with Enable File Drop selected. Can be used to run an action with Create file object to upload the file.

On File Drop

Triggered when a file is dropped on a container with Enable File Drop selected. Can be used to run an action with Create file object to upload the file.

On File Over

Triggered when a file is dragged over a container with Enable File Drop selected. Can be used to toggle visual feedback.

On File Out

Triggered when a file is dragged over and then out of a container with Enable File Drop selected. Can be used to toggle visual feedback.

On Viewport Enter

Triggered when a container with Enable Listener selected enters the viewport, usually on scroll.

On Viewport Leave

Triggered when a container with Enable Listener selected leaves the viewport, usually on scroll.

On Focus

Triggered when a Text edit component receives focus due to a user clicking on or using the keyboard to select the component.

On Lost Focus

Triggered when a Text edit component loses focus due to a user clicking away or using the keyboard to select another component.

On Enter

Triggered when the Enter/Return key is pressed and a Text edit component has focus. Useful when the component is used for searching to execute the search.

On Value Change

Triggered after a value has changed in a data input component. The previous value can be sent as an action param.

On Open

Available on UI Components Select and Multi select. Triggered when the droplist is opened.

On Close

Available on UI Components Select and Multi select. Triggered when the droplist is closed.

Last updated

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