Advanced line/area chart
All solutions have access to try advanced charts, but use of an advanced chart in Production is determined by your subscription tier.
The Advanced Line/Area Chart displays a series of data points connected with a straight line, which can also be shown as area or radar chart. It is possible to create more complex charts than with Basic Line Charts. For example, the Category Property is not limited to some data types and more visual properties are available.
Advanced Line/Area Charts are used to show changes or trends over a certain time, or to compare multiple datasets.
Data Source
Select a data source to display as a chart.
Apply a filter to the selected data source.
Conditional Filters
Create conditional filters to apply to the selected data source.
Category Property
Select a data source to display as X Axis in the chart.
Hide Empty
Visible when Category Property is selected.
Enable to hide categories without content.
Group By
Visible when Category Property of data type Datetime is selected.
Select a dimension to group the data by. If no dimension is selected, all objects will be displayed in the order given by the data source.
Custom Format
Visible when Category Property of data type Datetime and a Group By dimension is selected.
Value Property
Select a data source to aggregate the data on. If no data source is selected, count will be used by default.
Aggregation Function
Visible when Value Property is selected.
Select one of the functions Count, Sum, Average, Median, Minimum or Maximum to aggregate the data on.
Show Uncategorized
Visible when Value Property is selected.
Enable to show uncategorized data as a separate category.
Area Range
Visible when Aggregation Function Median or Average is selected.
Enable to add an area range for the aggregated value.
Default Name
Enter a default name for one dataset. If no dataset property is selected, only one dataset will be shown.
Dataset Property
Disabled if a Default Name is entered.
Select a data source to split the data into datasets based on this property. If no data source is selected, all the data will be treated as a single dataset.
Color Value
Visible when Dataset Property of data type Boolean or Integer is selected.
Set the dataset color from a data source of type Enum Type.
Use Enum Colors
Visible when Dataset Property of type Enumerated Type is selected.
Enable to use the colors defined in each Enum Value.
Limit Datasets
Visible when Dataset Property of type Enumerated Type is selected.
Enable to limit the dataset property by one or more Enum Values.
Stack Datasets
Visible when Dataset Property is selected.
Define to stack datasets Normal or to 100%. By default, None is selected.
Use Static Datasets
Only visible when Dataset Property is not defined.
Enable to use static datasets instead of defining a dataset property.
Dataset Name
Visible when Use Static Datasets is enabled.
Enter a static name for the dataset or bind it to a data source or function.
Visible when Use Static Datasets is enabled.
Apply a filter to the selected data source.
Value Override
Visible when Use Static Datasets is enabled.
Override the value if the value used for the dataset is stored in another property than the main value property.
Visible when Use Static Datasets is enabled.
Define a color for the dataset.
Disable Gradient
Enable to lighten up the color value.
Area Chart
Enable to transform the chart into an area chart.
Visible when Area Chart is enabled.
Define the opacity of the area color.
Show Points
Enable to visualize points as long as the distance between them are large enough. Otherwise, points will never be displayed.
Disable Bezier
Enable to display straight lines instead of rounded lines between each point. May be used to increase performance.
Show Steps
Visible when Disable Bezier is enabled.
Enable to draw steps between the points, instead of straight lines.
Step Align
Visible when Show Steps is enabled.
Define whether the steps should be aligned horizontally on the left, center or right.
Enter a static title or bind it to a data source, function, date now or date today.
Sub Title
Enter a static title or bind it to a data source, function, date now or date today.
Show Legend
Enable to show a legend.
Legend Position
Visible when Show Legend is enabled.
Position the legend on the top, left, bottom or right side of the chart.
Disable Animation
Enable to stop animation of the chart.
Sort By Data
Enable this to sort the Categories by Ascending Value (lowest to highest). If you want to reverse this sorting, use the Reverse option on the X-Axis.
Zoom Type
Define if the X Axis, Y Axis or both should be zoomable. By default, None is selected.
Show Data Labels
Enable to show data labels above each data point.
Disable Mouse Tracking
Enable to block the chart for mouse tracking activities.
Tooltip Value Decimals
Define decimals to override the number of decimals shown for the y value in the tooltip.
Enable to transform the chart into the polar coordinate system. The chart is then displayed as a polar/radar chart.
Invert Axes
Enable to invert both X Axis and Y Axis with each other.
Enable Navigator
Visible if Category Property is selected.
Enable a navigator on the X Axis.
Minimum Range
Visible if Navigator is enabled.
Define the minimum window when zooming in. By default, one week is selected.
Maximum Range
Visible if Navigator is enabled.
Define the maximum window when zooming out. By default, all data is selected.
Axis Title
Enter a static title or bind it to a data source, function, date now or date today.
Axis Type
Select a type for the axis: Auto, Linear, Logarithmic, Datetime or Category.
Tick Interval
Set an interval for ticks on the axis. If the interval is too dense to be displayed, some ticks will be removed automatically. Note that axes with data type Datetime are based on milliseconds.
Tick Mark Placement
Only applicable for Category Axis (X Axis).
Define the position of the tick marks on the X Axis. If Auto is selected and the interval is 1, the tick mark is placed between categories, else the tick mark is placed in the center of the category. If Between is selected, the tick mark is always placed between categories. If On is selected, the tick mark is always placed in the center of the category.
Min Value
Define the minimum value on the axis. If no value is set, it will automatically adjust to data.
Max Value
Define the maximum value on the axis. If no value is set, it will automatically adjust to data.
Enable Grid Lines
Enable to show grid lines on the axis.
Enable Crosshair
Enable a crosshair on the axis.
Hide Axis
Enable to hide the axis.
Reverse Axis
Enable to reverse the axis in order to display the values from highest to lowest.
Place Opposite
Enable to place the axis on the opposite side of the chart.
Synchronize Axis
Only applicable for Category Axis (X Axis).
If selected, hover values and zoom will be synchronized across charts. To synchronize this axis with other charts, first a Topic in the current App (found under App Settings) must be created. Any chart connected to the same topic will be synchronized. Synchronization uses chart width to calculate position for the indicators, not axis values. Therefore it must be ensured, that all charts use the same width and showing the same range of data.
Plot Threshold Indicators
Add plot threshold indicators by defining a name, visibility, type (line or band), start value and color.
Event Handlers
You may add an On Series Click action to be executed when the data series is clicked.
Last updated
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