
By editing a login configuration you can define the authentication options for your solution and customize the login experience for your users. It is common to use one configuration that applies to all environments but if you want to enable a different login configuration for an environment, it can be set under Environments.

The login configuration is used for the built-in authentication pages. Additionally, some settings apply to the app listing page that is shown at the root URL of the Appfarm Client when multiple apps are available.

Custom login app

You can build a custom authentication flow by creating a custom login app. As an example, we use a custom app for sign up and login in the Showroom. Note that this custom login app must be an Unauthenticated App and that it should be defined as the Default App in the Environments Config.

General settings

Authentication options

Custom auth

Appfarm supports custom authentication providers such as Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD). A provider should first be configured under Custom auth providers and then added within the login configuration. Each custom auth provider configuration has the following settings.

Mail templates

Emails are sent to users in conjunction with standard user authentication operations. The details and content of those emails can be customized. The following emails can be customized:

  • Reset password

  • Welcome

  • Login link

  • One time password

You can find examples of custom templates under Email templates.


All authentication emails sent by Appfarm are sent from security@appfarm.io. It is not possible to change this email address.

Last updated