You can configure each Appfarm Client environment in your solution separately. You can enable or disable platform features, set solution-wide defaults that will apply across all apps, and customize settings to ensure your apps work as expected.
It is common to maintain different environment configurations, particularly between Development and Production. For example, in Development and Test it is very helpful to have client logs enabled but this is not typically enabled in Production. On the other hand, you might have Schedules enabled in Production, but not in any other environment.
In general it is a good idea to only enable the features and configurations that are required for your apps and services to run in a given environment. This will help keep your solution safe from unintended issues.
General settings
Login Config
Enable GraphQL
Enable GraphQL Auxilary Endpoints
Enable GraphQL Explorer
Enable API Services
Enable API Explorer
Enable Scheduler
Enable Maintenance Mode
Show a maintenance mode page to all users in the Appfarm Client and disable access to apps.
Maintenance Mode Text
Text to show on the maintenance mode page.
GraphQL Maintenance Mode
Return 503 Service Unavailable
on all external requests to the GraphQL endpoint.
Services Maintenance Mode
Return 503 Service Unavailable
on all external requests to services endpoints. Schedules are not affected by this setting. To prevent schedules from triggering services, clear either Enable Scheduler or Enable API Services.
Email settings
Email Provider
By default, emails sent from a solution use the integrated Appfarm mail server.
The sender name is the solution name
There is a maximum number of emails that can be sent per month. The limit is specified in your subscription agreement.
Log options
Enable Client Log
Simulate Messaging Only
Enable this option to prevent email and SMS messages from being sent. The relevant action nodes will still run, but the actual sending will be simulated. This option can be helpful during development and testing.
Progressive Web App defaults
These values are serve as defaults for all of your apps in the web application manifest. They can be overwritten per app in App Settings.
The name of the app. It may be displayed among a list of other apps or as a label for an icon.
Defaults to Appfarm
Short Name
An abbreviated name used as the app name on device homescreens and other places with limited space.
Defaults to Appfarm
The default orientation of your app on mobile devices.
Background Color
A color that may be used by the operating system as a placeholder while the app's styles are loaded. Usually, this should match the background color of the app.
Theme Color
A color that may be used by the operating system when displaying the app. This color may apply even when an app is not installed as a PWA.
Icon 72x72–512x512
Session settings
Absolute Timeout
The maximum length of a user session before the user must reauthenticate. The default length is 15 552 000 (180 days). The maximum length is 31 536 000 (365 days).
Renewal Timeout
The maximum length of a user session before it will not be automatically renewed. The default length is 604 800 (7 days). The maximum length is 5 184 000 (60 days). It is recommended to set this value a little longer than the typical usage period of your apps.
Content security
By default, Appfarm implements a strict set of content security settings to protect users against common attacks. However, we also allow for easy integration with third-party services and sites and you may need to allow their domains within the following policies.
These settings map directly to the Content Security Policy (CSP) standard.
Web Request Targets
Allowed domains that can receive web requests directly from the client. If you only send web requests from the server, which is the default behaviour, you do not need to allow the receiving domains here.
Font Sources
Allowed domains that can deliver fonts to the Appfarm Client.
Frame Targets
Allowed domains that can be loaded into frame/iframe tags.
Frame Ancestors
Allowed domains that can embed the Appfarm Client in frame/iframe tags.
Image Sources
Allowed domains that can deliver images to the Appfarm Client.
Script Sources
Allowed domains that can deliver scripts to the Appfarm Client.
Style Sources
Allowed domains that can deliver stylesheets to the Appfarm Client.
Allow Insecure Resources
Public Assets
Allowing external tools (such as Hotjar) to access and use Appfarm assets (fonts and stylesheets) without authentication.
Application security
Unauthenticated Access
Service Account
Service security
Unauthenticated Access
Enable this option to be able to run services with unauthenticated access. A typical use case is running services from unauthenticated Apps.
Service Account
Max Payload Size
Override the default permitted size (in MB) for incoming POST requests to an Appfarm Service Endpoint. The default is 1 MB, and you may allow up to 50 MB.
GraphQL security
Unauthenticated Access
Service Account
User account manipulation
User accounts are global resources. Changes to user accounts in any environment will affect production. The settings below are automatically cleared every night for Development, Test and Staging to prevent unintended user changes.
Allow Create User Account
Enable user account creation within apps.
Allow Update User Account
Enable user account updates within apps.
Allow Delete User Account
Enable user account deletion within apps.
Custom Header Tags
Add custom meta
and script
tags inside the <head>
element of your apps. This is useful when you need to add site-wide scripts, for example to implement analytics or a chatbot.
Google Analytics ID
Note: This feature is deprecated, and set to READ ONLY.
Google Analytics will not be supported as a built-in setting by Appfarm from mid-2023. From July 1st 2023, Google will replace Google Analytics (Universal Analytics, currently supported natively by Appfarm) with GA4.
A transition guide will be distributed to those using the built-in Google Analytics ID setting.
Integrate your apps with Google Analytics. Once you add an ID, the necessary scripts will be added to your apps, and page views will be automatically tracked. As with all client-side analytics, any ad-blockers or browser settings that prevent tracking may affect your reporting.
.well-known Directory Entries
Default App
An unauthenticated user will be redirected to this app if they navigate to the root URL of the Appfarm Client. This setting is useful when there is a public app that acts as an entry point, such as a public web page - and you always want that App as entry point if the user is not logged in.
Custom header tags
Add meta tags and import custom scripts into your apps by creating custom header tags. Example use cases include additional open graph meta tags, analytics scripts, and third-party chatbots.
Custom header tags will be added to every app in the given environment. Controlling the tags at the environment level can be useful to customize or restrict analytics scripts that collect page views or track user behaviour.
Custom header tags can be used to load external javascript libraries in your apps and can be referenced when writing functions or code.
A description of the header tag for easy identification.
Tag Type
The HTML tag to add. The options are:
Script Content
Script URL
Meta tag type only.
The value for the name attribute of the meta tag. For example, to add a meta description tag you would enter description.
Meta tag type only.
The value for the content attribute of the meta tag. For example, to add a meta description tag you would enter the actual description you wish to include.
Script/Script URL
Script tags only.
The JavaScript code or URL of a file containing JavaScript, depending on the chosen tag type.
Script tags only.
Script URL only.
Custom attributes
Custom attributes for the Custom header tag. Set the attribute and a value.
Last updated
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