Create a single object in the database. The built-in Created Date property (and Created By, if enabled) is automatically set server-side.
Persist (create many / batch create)
For GraphQL enabled Object Classes with Enable Create
, you may create multiple objects at once though the persist
For example, an Object Class Car
with GraphQL Endpoint Name car
will have the mutation persistCar available. See example usage below.
Note that you may also override the default _id in the above persistCar
mutation, simply by adding a valid (and unique) objectid to each record:
Update one or more objects in the database. The built-in Updated Date property (and Updated By, if enabled) is automatically set server-side.
The first parameter is a filter object used to determine which object to update. Find more about filters under Queries.
The second parameter is an input object containing the properties you wish to update.
A count of the number of updated objects is returned.
Permanently delete one or more objects. A count of the number of updated objects is returned.
Generate Random Identifiers
The first parameter references the node name of the built-in property random identifier.
The second parameter determines how large the batches will be. The maximum number is 1000.
Both parameters are required.
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