Persist objects

The Persist objects action node saves objects in a runtime-only data source to the database.


This action node is used when either a new object has been created or an existing object has been updated in a runtime-only data source and that data should be stored in the database.

The persist state of an object in a runtime-only data source can be tracked using the Object State object property.

When an object is newly created, it will have the state New. If an object is read in from the database and edited, it will have the state Updated. When storing the objects the action node will check if the object is new or if it already exists in the database and will perform a create or update operation towards the database as necessary.

When the persist operation is complete, the runtime-only data source will still contain the object(s) persisted. Their state will change to Synchronized.

Good to know

The ID property of an object will never change. New objects created in a runtime-only data source will be assigned an ID immediately and this ID will follow with the object into the database on persist.



Data Source

Select the data source containing the object(s) to persist.


Available if the selected Data Source is a many-cardinality data source. Define the objects to persist.

  • All objects

  • Selected object(s)

  • Object in context

  • Filtered selection


Available when Selection is Filtered selection. Define the filter to apply to the data source.

Last updated

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